“Music lessons and piano are a tool that exposes who we are. We have an ownership to use this effectively in drawing out the most important life principles in our students and that the daily habits that we draw out through this process will lay the foundation for the success we experience in life.”
– Jennifer Shukuda
Welcome to episode 7 of the Music Mindset Podcast!
Join special guest Jen Shukuda as we discuss ‘Discipline as Freedom”. Jen is a well respected piano teacher, a performer, and a collaborative artist. She has transformed the mindset of countless families and students that she works with through her decades of teaching.
She also draws on a very unique background. As well as being an exceptionally effective teacher, she also has enjoyed a successful career in healthcare with a focus on mental health, as a business coach and leader emphasizing high performance, and of course, as a parent to her two beautiful girls.
In this episode…
- Jen discusses a common thread at the root of fulfillment in all areas of life
- The direct line that of these character values that trace back to what was developed in her music training
- How letting go of expectation leads to joy and follow through in discipline
- How the ups and downs of long-term growth act as formation
- How experiencing ‘discomfort’ formally in musical training led to skills of leadership in all areas of life
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Carmen Morin
Concert pianist, educator and arts entrepreneur.
I empower pianists with transformative learning systems to break through technical limits, unlock talent, and build lasting confidence.
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