In this episode…
In our first two episodes, we dug deep into mindset and exploring how and why we learn. Today we are discussing some more practical matters as I share 5 Mistakes that I see very SMART people make when they begin music lessons. In this episode we discuss:
- Do you really need an instrument when you begin?
- The ONE painfully simple step that 99% of people skip – this one action can save you from a long list of challenges down the road.
- How to figure out your ‘WHY’ to pursuing music lessons – hints and help can be found in Episode 1 of The Music Mindset Podcast>
- What to think about when setting a goal, timeline or expectation around your learning
- The importance of working with a framework in mind, and having the feedback of a (human) professional
I’ve created a checklist you can download below that you can use to be sure you’ve built in a ‘FIX’ to each of these common mistakes.
This checklist is a MUST if you are getting started in lessons, but if you’ve already begun you can still use this to see what blind spots you may have in your foundation. Teachers, you can use this checklist with your students OR as a framework for the discussions you have during your first lessons.
Until next time, thanks for listening and talk to you soon!

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Carmen Morin
Concert pianist, educator and arts entrepreneur.
I empower pianists with transformative learning systems to break through technical limits, unlock talent, and build lasting confidence.
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